Raiyan Rahman


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Technical Skills: Python, Qiskit, MATLAB, Pytorch


Work Experience

Research Assistant @ North South University (_Feb 2024 - _)

Teaching Assistant @ North South University (June 2022 - Sep 2022)


A Secure Image Transmission Scheme Using Chaos and Quantum Entanglement


Conventional cryptographic systems are facing unprecedented threats from quantum computing, especially in optical communication. To tackle this, this research proposes a novel secure image transmission scheme that combines quantum key distribution (QKD) with chaotic maps. This scheme leverages the unpredictability of chaos and the robust security of quantum entanglement, further enhanced by an eavesdropping detection mechanism. Simulations demonstrate the scheme’s effectiveness in image encryption, achieving high entropy and sensitivity. The results highlight improved efficiency and the scheme’s potential as a viable solution against quantum computing vulnerabilities. This work offers a fresh perspective on secure optical communication, merging chaos theory and QKD for a stronger cryptographic framework.

QKD Based Image Transmission

EkattorQA: An Open Source Conversational AI-Based Question Answering System applied in the context of Bangladeshi History

In recent years, large language models have shown significant progress in question-answering tasks, but they face challenges like hallucination and misinformation. EkattorQA, a new Open Source Conversational AI-based system, addresses these concerns by combining LLMs with human-verified data sources, specifically for Bangladesh History. This approach shows promise for scalable chat models in specific domains.

Ekattor QA

Predictive modeling of consumer purchase behavior on social media: integrating theory of planned behavior and machine learning for actionable insights


The idea of planned behavior, a psychological framework, and machine learning have all been combined in this study to produce models that accurately predict consumer purchasing behavior. The inclusion of XAI also explores the most significant influencing factors that drive online purchasing. Radar plot Confusion matrix Learning Curve SCImago Journal & Country Rank



This was developed as a part of our Junior Design Course(CSE299). Our project features Django Rest API as the robust backend and React at the forefront. We offer latest trends with the scalability of Django and the dynamic responsiveness of React, setting a new standard for the convergence of technology.


  1. Rahman, R., Azad, M. S., Hasan, M. R., Shubha, S. E. U., & Mahdy, M. R. C. (2023, November 30). Enhancing the security of image transmission in Quantum era: A Chaos-Assisted QKD Approach using entanglement. ArXiv.org. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.18471